

koen dewettinck


koen dewettinck obtained his phd from the economics and management department of ghent university. he also holds a master’s degree in work- and organizational psychology from the same university. he has been a research fellow at the weatherhead school of management, case western reserve university, cleveland, ohio. his main teaching and research interests are employee motivation, performance management and strategic hrm. koen is also director of vlerick’s executive mba programmes.

koen dewettinck obtained his phd from the economics and management department of ghent university. he also holds a master’s degree in work- and organizational psychology from the same university. he has been a research fellow at the weatherhead school of management, case western reserve university, cleveland, ohio. his main teaching and research interests are employee motivation, performance management and strategic hrm. koen is also director of vlerick’s executive mba programmes.

associate professor

human resource management

innovation management, healthcare management

ma in work and organizational psychology, ghent university;
phd, ghent university.


articles in refereed journals with impact

dewettinck k. van dijk h.2013. linking belgian employee performance management system characteristics with performance management system effectiveness: exploring the mediating role of fairness. international journal of human resource management, 24(4): 806-825.

dewettinck k. remue j.2011. contextualizing hrm in comparative research: the role of the cranet network. human resource management review, 21(1): 37-49.

dewettinck k. remue j.2011. research on employee performance management in mnc's: a call for expanding the psychological perspective. european journal of international management, 5(2): 204-207.

dewettinck k. van ameijde m.2011. linking leadership empowerment behavior to employee attitudes and behavioral intentions: testing the mediating role of psychological empowerment. personnel review, 40(3): 284-305.

de vos a. dewettinck k. buyens d.2009. the professional career on the right track. a study on the interaction between career self-management and organizational career management in explaining employee outcomes. european journal of work and organizational psychology, 18(1): 55-80.

dewettinck k.2008. employee performance management systems in belgian organisations: purpose, contextual dependence and effectiveness. european journal of international management, 2: 192-207.

articles in other (un)refereed journals

dewettinck k.2013. hr moet aan credibiliteit winnen. peoplesphere, (74 (mei)): 28-30.

van de woestyne m. dewettinck k. van bruystegem k.2010. human resource challenges for small growing companies in flanders. global business & organizational excellence, 29(4): 40-52.

buyens d. dewettinck k.2010. tips & tricks voor people managers. hr tribune, (46): 30-32.

van dijk h. dewettinck k.2008. je baas als aanleiding voor de zoektocht naar ander werk. een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen baasgedrag en loyauteit van medewerkers. over.werk, 18(2): 56-59.

de vos a. dewettinck k. buyens d.2008. to move or not to move? the relationship between career management and preferred career moves. employee relations, 30(2): 156-175.

van de woestyne m. van bruystegem k. dewettinck k.2008. het personeelsbeleid als leidraad voor groei. hoe vlaamse ondernemers hun mensen aantrekken, ontwikkelen en behouden. over.werk, 18(1): 131-135.

de vos a. dewettinck k. buyens d.2007. waarheen met de loopbaan? voorkeuren van medewerkers en beïnvloeding door de organisatie. tijdschrift voor hrm, 10(2): 27-51.

de vos a. dewettinck k. buyens d.2007. de professionele loopbaan in goede banen: het samenspel van loopbaanzelfsturing en het loopbaanbeleid binnen de organisatie. gedrag en organisatie. tijdschrift voor sociale, economische, arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie, 20(1): 21-40.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2006. de invloed van gedragssturing op de werkplek op de betrokkenheid en prestaties van medewerkers: een test van twee alternatieve verklaringen. gedrag en organisatie. tijdschrift voor sociale, economische, arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie, 19(2): 161-182.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2002. downsizing: employee threat or opportunity? an empirical study on external and internal reorientation practices in belgian companies. employee relations, 24(4): 389-402.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2002. tewerkstellingsimplicaties van downsizingstrategieën en heroriëntatiepraktijken: een empirische exploratie. tijdschrift voor arbeidsvraagstukken, 18(1): 6-20.

buyens d. wouters k. dewettinck k.2001. future challenges for human resource development professionals in european learning-oriented organisations. hrd in learning oriented organizations: an empirical study in belgian organizations. journal of european industrial training, 25(9): 442-453.

conference presentations

vroonen w. dewettinck k.2013. antecedents and consequences of performance management enactment by front line managers. paper presented at 8th international conference of the dutch hrm network, november 14-15, leuven, belgium.

willemse i. dewettinck k.2011. people management in times of crisis: contrasting employee and manager expectations and behavior. paper presented at 15th european congress on work and organizational psychology (eawop), may 25-28, maastricht, the netherlands.

dewettinck k.2011. opening the black box in hrm research: a line manager's perspective on employee performance management involvement and perceived support from hr. paper presented at euram annual conference 2011, tallinn, estonia.

dewettinck k.2011. shaping performance management: untangling the drivers of line management involvement into pm practices. paper presented at european association of work and organizational psychology, may 25-28, maastricht, the netherlands.

claus c. de clippeleer i. de stobbeleir k. dewettinck k.2011. antecedents of creativity: the differential impact on the phases of the creative process.. paper presented at 15th conference of the european association of work and organizational psychology, may 25-28, maastricht, the netherlands.

dewettinck k. van dijk h. buyens d.2010. empowering performance management: linking performance review characteristics to outcomes. paper presented at 70th annual meeting of the academy of management, august 6-10, montréal, canada.

dewettinck k. van de woestyne m. van bruystegem k. remue j.2009. human resource challenges for growing smes. paper presented at 14th european association of work and organizational psychology, may 13-16, santiago de compostella, spain.

dewettinck k. remue j.2009. research on employee performance management in mnc's: a call for expanding the psychological perspective. paper presented at 10th international hrm conference, june 21-24, santa fe, new mexico, united states.

de clippeleer i. de stobbeleir k. dewettinck k.2009. from creativity to success: the role of the employee proactivity in the creative process. paper presented at academy of management annual conference, august 6-11, chicago, illinois, united states.

de clippeleer i. de stobbeleir k. dewettinck k. ashford s. j.2009. from creativity to success: barriers and critical success factors in the creative process. paper presented at 6th international conference of the dutch hrm network, november 13-14, amsterdam, the netherlands.

de clippeleer i. de stobbeleir k. dewettinck k. ashford s. j.2009. from creativity to success: barriers and critical success factors in the successful implementation of creative ideas. paper presented at european conference on creativity and innovation (ecci xi), october 28-30, brussels, belgium.

dewettinck k.2008. employee performance management: how to motivate and steer employees to improve performance. paper presented at cranet conference "the art of human capital management", november 29-29, vienna, austria.

dewettinck k. vlaminckx a.2007. employee performance management in belgian organizations: empirical evidence from a hr-practioners perspective. paper presented at 13th european congress on work and organizational psychology, may 9-12, stockholm, sweden.

dewettinck k.2007. performance management system purpose and effectiveness: integrating empirical evidence from an hr professional and employee perspective. paper presented at 5th international conference of the dutch hrm network, november 8-10, tilburg, the netherlands.

dewettinck k. van ameijde m.2007. linking leadership empowerment behavior to employee attitudes and behavioral intentions: testing the mediating role of psychological empowerment. paper presented at 13th european congress on work and organizational psychology, may 9-12, stockholm, sweden.

dewilde t. dewettinck k. de vos a.2007. when work becomes an addiction: an exploration of individual and organizational antecedents of workaholism and its impact on employee outcomes. paper presented at 13th european congress on work and organizational psychology, may 9-12, stockholm, sweden.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2005. experienced job challenge and overchallenge: conceptualization, antecedents and consequences. paper presented at annual meeting of 'belgian association for psychological sciences' (baps), may 27, gent, belgium.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2005. the influence of behavioral control of frontline employee affect and performance: the mediating role of job autonomy and contextual learning orientation. paper presented at 12th european congress on work and organizational psychology, may 12-15, istanbul, turkey.

dewettinck k. buyens d. de vos a.2005. antecedents and consequences of proactive career behavior. paper presented at 12th european congress on work and organizational psychology (eawop), may 12-15, istanbul, turkey.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2004. explaining differences in belgian hr practices: legislative or cultural determinants. paper presented at the academy of management 2004 annual meeting, august 6-11, new orleans, louisiana, united states.

dewettinck k. singh j. buyens d.2003. the missing link? understanding why past research shows week relationship between employee empowerment and performance. paper presented at 32nd emac conference, may 20-23, glasgow, united kingdom.

dewettinck k. singh j. buyens d.2003. the missing link? understanding why past research shows week relationship between employee empowerment and performance. paper presented at 11th european congress on work and organisational psychology, may 14-17, lisboa, portugal.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2001. downsizing: employee threat or opportunity? an empirical study on external and internal reorientation practices in belgian companies. paper presented at global hrm conference, june 20-22, barcelona, spain.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2001. employment implications of downsizing strategies. an empirical study on external and internal reorientation practices in belgian-based companies.. paper presented at new dimensions in hrm conference, november 8, nicosia, cyprus.

wouters k. buyens d. dewettinck k.2001. the role of hrd in creating opportunities for lifelong learning: empirical study in belgian organizations.. paper presented at ecer 2001, september 5-8, lille, france.

wouters k. buyens d. dewettinck k.2001. future challenges for human resource development professionals in europe, hrd in learning oriented organizations: an empirical study in belgian organizations. paper presented at global hrm conference, june 20-22, barcelona, spain.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2001. downsizing and sustainable employment: a paradox? an empirical study on reorientation practices in belgian companies. paper presented at 10th european congress on work and organizational psychology, may 16-19, prague, czech republic.

conference proceedings

davidson t. de baets s. dewettinck k.2012. group goal setting in age-diverse teams: investigating the role of goal clarity and reflexivity.

dewettinck k. vlaminckx a.2006. employee performance management in belgian organizations: empirical evidence from a hr-practioners perspective. helsinki:

dewettinck k. buyens d.2006. linking behavioral control to employee outcomes: testing two explanations using motivation theories. atlanta, georgia:

dewettinck k.2000. hrd in learning oriented organizations in belgium, the netherlands and the uk. edinburgh:

dewettinck k. buyens d.2000. an analysis of the characteristics of learning organizations in seven european countries: what can we learn from one another?.

buyens d. dewettinck k.1999. hr-related antecedents and consequences of managing service organizations. espoo-helsinki:

buyens d. dewettinck k.1999. the added value of human resource management in service management. gothenburg:

dewettinck k.1999. the added value of human resource management in service management. gothenburg:

dewettinck k.1999. the added value of human resource management within a service organizational context. waltham, massachusetts:

doctoral dissertation

dewettinck k.2005. empowerment and control dynamics in service contexts: conceptual exploration and empirical validation of the impact on frontline employee effect and performance.

research reports

dewettinck k. duvillier g.2011. vokawijzer: verzilver de vergrijzing..

dewettinck k. van laere k. van de woestyne m. buyens d.2010. the performance generator. a toolkit for people managers. (112 p.)

verweire k. van hootegem g. dewettinck k. sels l.2010. competentiemanagement: manier van denken en werken. (108 p.)

van de woestyne m. de stobbeleir k. dewettinck k.2009. establishing a feedback culture in today's organizations.

willemse i. dewettinck k. van de woestyne m.2009. managing team performance.

de clippeleer i. de stobbeleir k. dewettinck k. ashford s. j.2009. from creativity to success: barriers and critical success factors in the successful implementation of creative ideas. (60 p.)

van de woestyne m. van bruystegem k. dewettinck k.2008. hr challenges in growing companies.

van de woestyne m. van bruystegem k. dewettinck k.2008. hoe people managers omgaan met groei: een praktijkboekje voor ondernemers. (14 p.)

van bruystegem k. dekocker v. dewettinck k. baeten x.2007. hr tools als stimulans voor creativiteit by uw werknemers.

van de woestyne m. van bruystegem k. dewettinck k.2007. hrm uitdagingen in groeiende ondernemingen.

buyens d. dewettinck k. de decker k. vlaminckx a.2006. performance management in belgium.

buyens d. dewettinck k.2000. bedrijfsafslanking en duurzame tewerkstelling: een paradox? analyse van bedrijfsstrategieën ter heroriëntering van werknemers bij downsizing. hiva - k.u.leuven.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2000. analyse van bedrijfsstrategieën ter heroriëntering van werknemers bij downsizing.

vlerick cases

dewettinck k. de vos a. van ameijde m. buyens d.2007. case tapcorp: balancing career management with business needs. ecch case study. reference no. 408-004-1 (c) 408-004-8 (tn).

van de woestyne m. dewettinck k.. knowledge creation at group thermote & vanhalst.

dewettinck k. van laere k.. spreading the culture at torfs.


book chapters

dewettinck k.2012. creating an engaging climate. in: slagmulder r. verweire k. dewettinck k. managing for performance excellence (pp. 134-158).

wetzel r. dewettinck k.2012. collaborative structure: organisational design for high performance organisations. in: slagmulder r. verweire k. dewettinck k. managing for performance excellence (pp. 102-134).

dewettinck k. buyens d.2007. linking job motivating potential to frontline employee attitudes and performance: testing the mediating role of psychological empowerment. (pp. 109-128). indian business school.

dewettinck k. buyens d. auger c. dany f. wilthagen t.2006. deregulation: hrm and the flexibility-security nexus. (pp. 45-62).

buyens d. dany f. dewettinck k. quinodon b.2004. france and belgium: language, culture and differences in human resource practices. in: ed. france and belgium: language, culture and differences in human resource practices (pp. 123-159). elsevier.

dewettinck k. buyens d.2003. role stress among front-line employees. (pp. 243-254). pearson education.

van looy b. dewettinck k. buyens d. vandenbossche t.2003. the role of human resource practices in service organizations. (pp. 191-193). pearson education.

buyens d. de witte i. dewettinck k.2003. politics on the work floor: who are your friends and foes?. in: ed. ? in management: the art and science of management (pp. 26-29). vlerick business school.

dewettinck k.2002. afslankingsstrategieën en implicaties naar duurzame tewerkstelling. (pp. 210-216). ar-media.

dewettinck k. buyens d.1999. hrm-uitdagingen in de dienstverlenende sector. ar-media.


verweire k. van hootegem g. dewettinck k. sels l.2012. xxxde competentie manager. lannoocampus.

dewettinck k. sels l. van hootegem g. verweire k.2012. de competentie manager. een manier van denken en werken. lannoocampus.

slagmulder r. verweire k. dewettinck k.2012. managing for performance excellence. uitgeverij lannoo.
