福坦莫大学(fordham university)gabelli商学院,一直以金融领域师资阵容强大和教学经验丰富见长,在最新的《美国新闻与世界报道》大学排名中金融专业位列第21名。学生完成课程并达到学分要求之后,可以获得由fordham university颁发的全球金融硕士学位以及成绩单。
课程时间安排 |
时间 |
地点 |
课程 |
春季学期 (一般2-6月) 周末 |
北京 北京大学 |
暑期三周(7月) 工作日 |
纽约fordham university |
本课程讨论金融科技的广泛应用和金融业的最新发展。主题包括: 数码分类帐技术、加密货币、数据加密、众包/众筹、金融服务、互联网应用/移动应用、大数据、人工智能/机器学习等。
本课程旨在帮助学生更好更深入地了解美国的资产管理行业。本课程将涵盖基金业最重要的课题,包括量化基金交易策略和基金业绩评估模型。我们还将介绍机器学习模型在交易策略构建中的应用。在本课程中,我们将保持经验模型和实践编程实践之间的平衡。本课程使用的主要编程软件是 python 和 sas。。
this program gathers some of the most elite professors from both fordham and nsd, like prof. yiping huang (nsd), prof. an yan (fordham), and prof. sris chatterjee (fordham), to name just a few. all these professors have not only profound knowledge in the academic field but also rich experience in the business world.
prof. yee seng cheah
michael cheah is clinical associate professor and academic director for the ms global finance program (msgf). he is the 2017's recipient of the gabelli school of business’ graduate-level stanley fuchs award as well as the graduate-level gladys and henry crown award for faculty excellence.
professor cheah has more than 30 years of market experience. until recently, he was the executive vice president of capital position, one of the financial industry’s premier positioning, growth strategy, and global marketing firms. before that, he worked as the senior vice president and senior portfolio manager responsible for all investment-grade fixed income portfolios at aig sunamerica asset management corp. he also spent 17 years at the monetary authority of singapore, where he was the head of the u.s. bond division, markets, and investment department, and chief representative of the new york office. his responsibilities at the monetary authority included managing foreign-exchange reserves and overseeing external relationships with financial and government institutions in the united states.
he also has taught global finance and macroeconomics at new york university, where he was senior adviser for the private sector concentration. he received his bachelor’s degree in business administration from the national university of singapore and a master of science degree in management from london business school, where he was a sloan fellow and a monetary authority of singapore postgraduate scholarship recipient. he is a chartered financial analyst and financial risk manager.
prof. nemmara k. chidambaran
professor chidambaran is an associate professor of finance at the graduate school of business, and co-director of the msgf program. previously, he has been on the faculty at rutgers university and tulane university. he received his doctorate from the leonard n. stern school of business, new york university and a b. tech from the indian institute of technology, bombay. professor chidambaran teaches courses in corporate finance, corporate governance, and risk management. his research interests are in the field of corporate finance and financial derivatives. he has published his research in leading academic journals such as the journal of financial economics, the journal of risk and insurance, the journal of derivatives, and the financial analysts journal. his work has also
been presented at major research conferences and universities, and has been published in books and conference proceedings.
prof. yiping huang
dr. yiping huang is a professor in economics and the associate dean of national school of development, peking university. he holds a ph.d. in economics from the australian national university. he received his m.a in economics from renmin university of china and b.a. in agriculture from zhejiang agricultural university.
his research interests range from macro-economic policies, international financial system to rural economic development and economy in china and asia.
he received the best dissertation award of australian agricultural and resource economics society in 1994, and john logan plastic palm tree award from the australian national university in 1990.
before joining the national school of development, peking university, dr. huang was the managing director and head of asia pacific economic & market analysis in citigroup, and the chief economist of citigroup from 2000 to 2009.
dr. huang is the adjunct professor at crawford school of economics and government of the australian national university, member of china finance 40 forum, and the editor of australian journal of agricultural and resource economics.
dr. huang published several books and numerous articles on chinese economic reform. he widely consulted with a number of organizations and government departments, among which are asian development bank, china’s ministry of finance, world bank, united nations development program, and international monetary fund.
prof. sris chatterjee
prof. chatterjee is a professor of finance at fordham university’s graduate school of business. he has taught a variety of courses including mergers and acquisitions, principles of modern finance and behavioral finance for mbas, executive mbas, and the undergraduate business students. he was the 1995 recipient of the gladys and henry crown award for faculty excellence at fordham gba. prof. chatterjee got his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from the indian institute of technology (kharagpur) and his postgraduate diploma in management from the indian institute of management (calcutta). he received his m. phil. and ph. d. degrees from columbia university’s graduate school of business. prior to joining fordham university, prof. chatterjee taught at suny (buffalo), rutgers university and columbia university. he has taught in the key training program at ubs wealth management, where he participated in curriculum development and in writing training material. he has taught in the executive mba programs at other schools.
prof. chatterjee’s main research interest is in corporate finance. his publications in the journal of banking and finance, journal of financial economics, financial management and the journal of financial and quantitative analysis include work on corporate debt/equity ratio, effect of interest rate uncertainty on the valuation of subordinated debt, restructurings of firms in financial distress and innovative securities. prof. chatterjee maintains a secondary research interest in futures and options, and has published several papers in the journal of futures markets.
prof. chatterjee is on the editorial boards of the international journal of banking, accounting and finance, and the international journal of behavioural accounting and finance.
prof. an yan
prof. an yan is a professor of finance and area chair in the finance and business economics area at fordham’s graduate school of business. he also serves as the director of the center for research in contemporary finance at fordham university. prof. yan received his undergraduate degree from tsinghua university, china, and his ph. d. degrees from boston college.
prof. yan’s main research interest is in theoretical and empirical corporate finance, including ipos, mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructurings, and behavior corporate finance. he has published in scholarly journals such as the review of financial studies, the journal of financial economics, the journal of financial and quantitative analysis, the journal of banking and finance, the journal of financial intermediation, and the financial management.
prof. yusif simaan
dr. yusif simaan is a professor of finance and business economics at the gabelli school of business, as well as the director of the graduate division's ms program in investor relations.
professor simaan holds a phd from baruch college of the city university of new york; an ms from technion, the israel institute of technology; and a ba from haifa university in israel. he has offered consulting expertise to the electronic traders association and automated trading desk and has won best-paper honors from open economies review.
prof. robert kissell
dr. robert kissell is a clinical assistant professor andfinance and business economics area coordinator at the fordham university gabelli school of business. he has been with fordham university as an adjunct professor since fall 2015. he teaches classes in algorithmic trading, fintech, and investment analysis.
dr. kissell is the author of several leading industry books and has published numerous journal articles. his paper, “dynamic pre-trade models: beyond the black box,” won the institutional investor’s paper of the year award in 2012, and his paper “predictive sports analytics” won northeast business & economics association (nbea) best paper award in 2019.
dr. kissell has worked with several investment banks including ubs securities, jp morgan citigroup, and instinet. he has previously taught courses at cornell university, molloy university, and baruch college. dr. kissell has a phd in economics from fordham university, an m.s. in applied mathematics from hofstra university, an ms in business management and a bs in applied mathematics & statistics from stony brook university.
prof. lin tong
dr. lin tong is an associate professor (with tenure) at the gabelli school of business at fordham university. she received her phd in finance from tippie college of business at the university of iowa. she also holds an ms in 8 mathematics from iowa state university and a ba in mathematics from nanjing university, china.
professor tong's research interests include institutional investors, high-frequency trading, mutual funds, and behavioral finance. her work has been accepted for publication in the management science, review of financial studies, and many leading field journals. her research has been presented at high-level gatherings, among them annual meetings of the american finance association, china international conference in finance, european finance association, and financial management association, the nyu stern conference, and the sec conference on the regulation of financialmarkets. her work has been mentioned in several media outlets, including the economist and barron’s. she has been invited to serve as an ad-hoc reviewer for the financial research letters, journal of banking and finance, journal of economic behavior and organization, journal of financial markets, journal of financial stability, management science, quarterly review of economics and finance, and review of finance. dr. tong has taught the financial econometrics, computational finance, and fund trading strategies and performance at the graduate level.
成功获得mba学位的bimba毕业生(福坦莫大学mba学位或vlerick mba学位或ucl mba 学位)以及热爱mba学习、并有望于2024年7月完成所有的课程的在校学生都有资格申请。成功获得了北京大学emba学位的emba毕业生也可以申请,但需要通过由北大国发院组织的一次额外英语语言考试。
这个项目允许学生从mba / emba课程转过来12个学分。vlerick mba项目可以转学分的四门课程为商务统计、公司金融、管理经济学和领导力。ucl mba项目可以转学分的四门课程为公司金融、管理经济学、财务和管理会计、商业决策。
2024年学费为25,603美元,不包括教科书费、交通费和生活费。fordham university将会为本项目申请者提供丰厚的奖学金,奖学金的评定与发放将视申请人的资质而定。
如果您想申请奖学金,则需要在截止日期前除了提交msgf申请表,还要再提交奖学金申请表。奖学金申请表也是作为附件提交。在申请表中,你应该解释(1)为什么你需要奖学金; (2)与其他申请人相比,你有什么优势或优点。
电话: 86 10 62754486 (sharon zhao)